
“We are living in challenging times with the threat of Coronavirus. There are a lot of things you can personally do to increase your bodies ability to deal with Coronavirus if you were unfortunate enough to contract it. The government has already recommended that people should achieve an optimal body weight to help fight it and reduce the severity of symptoms but there are many other immune boosting and health improving actions you can take”.

- Kris Talikowski - Core Founder

Our main advice:

We are frankly amazed that no one is talking about boosting health as the Number 1 thing we all need to be doing. To protect us from getting Covid if exposed and dealing with the symptoms if we do have it. Boosting health is the most important element of personal responsibility and we can all make simple changes to help.


Tip 1
Consume at least 51% RAW each day

Raw food is defined as that which is prepared at under 42 degrees Celsius so basically all fruits, veg, salads and raw meals. The enzyme, nutrient, vitamin and mineral content found in raw plant foods cannot be matched, and by having at least 51% raw food your body does not enter digestive leukocytosis which can severely impair the immune system. The simplest way to do this is add more juices, smoothies, salads and raw meals to your diet each day. On our Juice Hideaway retreat we give guests eBooks as they leave so to help we’d like to share that with you now. Juice ebook and raw food meals ebook

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Tip 2
Reduce body fat to 20% and exercise daily

One thing that is proven to reduce the chances of getting increased problems with Covid, is if you are carrying excess body fat. 20% is an optimal level and one we should all aspire to. The easiest way other than diet to achieve this is to exercise daily and get your heart rate above 100 for at least 30 minutes a day.

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Tip 3 - Remove refined and processed foods from your diet

It’s so easy to live conveniently, so to get back to cooking as it should be, and remove the foods that contain so many hidden calories will only help to boost health. Swap your ready meal for a freshly cooked one, don’t buy processed snacks and drinks that aren’t going to fuel the body and fuel the body when it needs the most fuel, during the day.

The single most important factor to ensuring your body can deal anything the world throws at it, including Covid, is having a strong and robust immune system. Immunity is key to overall health and we cant be strong interally unless we are putting the right things in. The good news is there are some great tips to boost immunity.

Tip 1
Watch this video

Owner of The Core Kris, looked into all the best ways you can boost immunity and condensed them into this video (above). So grab a pen and paper and work out what you can do to boost your body’s own defence mechanism. The tips contained within should help you to easily boost your immunity and keep your body in a strong postion if in the unfortunate event you get Covid.

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Tip 2
Take supplements and superfoods

Some of the world’s greatest immune booster are available in the supermarket or from a health food store. Things like zinc, ginger, turmeric are all great at boosting immunity and can be easily taken daily. Other than those mentioned in the video get hold of echinacea (great for colds) and magnesium.

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Tip 3
Decrease caffeine / alcohol

This is the bit you wont want to hear but both alcohol and caffeine are extremely bad for immune health. The irony being that in lockdown we want to drink more booze and possibly drink more tea and coffee, but if you can reduce or cut out the alcohol and caffeine you will be doing your body the world of good.

Here is the WHO advice on exactly these issues:


Improving health and boosting immunity are extremely important but social factors play a huge part in how you can help educate those around you and increase your defence against the virus. Taking not of some of these tips will help you to not only look after yourself but those around you too. So simple tips to increase defence.

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Tip 1
Encourage family to do the same

It’s all well and good you doing the right thing, eating well and being healthy, but if you don’t have those closest to you onboard it will increase their chance of contracting Covid and passing it on to you. Those families that have fully embraced a healthy diet and following the immune boosting tips have, as a household, faired much better at keeping Covid at bay. Now you have the information to know what to do you can help educate your family to follow a similar plan.

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Tip 2
Spread the knowledge to those close to you

It sounds very simple but the act of spreading knowledge to friends, sharing on facebook and instagram plays a huge role in helping you. The reason is because those you are most in contact with, in person or otherwise, have the ability to take on that advice and make changes themselves.


Tip 3

Follow the guidelines and advice on handwashing, social distancing and face coverings